The Recycle Bin icon should now be on your desktop and should automatically update based on whether there is data in the trash or not. Do the same thing with the empty Recycle Bin icon and go ahead and click Apply. Select the already highlighted icon, which should be the full Recycle Bin icon. Then go ahead and left click on the Recycle Bin full icon and click Change Icon. If you have this problem where the recycle bin icon does not change to reflect “full” and “empty” then you need to first check off Recycle Bin icon like shown above. It’s almost like Windows Vista gets confused and simply uses one icon instead of switching back and forth. However, there may be an issue for some people in which the Recycle Bin continually shows full or empty and does not change depending on if something is added or removed from the trash. If you click Apply, your icon should now be back on the desktop.